Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Aku nak sembuh. Aku nak aku yang dulu.

Aku tak pernah lupa blog ni
Tapi setiap kali aku nak menulis sesuatu
Semua hilang... Terpendam sendiri😣
Kadang aku terfikir boleh ke aku luah di sini
Boleh ke? Tak apa ke? Macamana nanti kalau...?
Soalan yang selalu aku bebel sendiri

Dulu aku tak ambil kisah tentang perasaan aku
Tapi lately aku rasa aku makin jadi 'seorang yang sensitif'
Dulu orang cakap la apa pun aku memang tak ambil peduli
Tapi sekarang everything is matters to me
And i kept deep inside 'A lot'

Aku tahu tu sesuatu yang tak sihat
Aku tahu tu... Tapi mentally aku tak dapat kawal benda tu
Tiap kali aku cuba bercerita secara serius, tak ada siapa pun pandang benda ni serius. Including my family.

Aku tak pasti apa yang aku alami.
Tapi aku pasti something is going wrong with myself.
Now, i can't even drive car when the road is packed. I become chilly so suddenly, sweating, and it feels like i can't breathe. It feels stuffy in there. Keep thinking that 'i must get out of here NOW'

And when that happens, i try to distract myself by talking to anyone with me at that time (which now i dont drive alone because I'm aware of myself). Last resort, i pull over and just stay there try to brainwash my own mind. Keep saying this is normal, nothing bad is gonna happen. Or I left the car and take ride home.

I would avoid going to crowded places. Take lift. Closed space like that terrified me. A LOT. Aku harap kawan² aku faham kenapa aku tak pergi majlis kahwin diorang.

I go to emergency once. They said i just having gastric symptoms. I go to few private clinic. Same answers. Does gastric do that to you?

I'm confused.

Aku akan cuba jumpa pergi jumpa pakar pula. Kalau ada siapa boleh suggest kat mana perlu aku tuju, please feel free to comment 😊. Aku nak sembuh. Aku nak aku yang dulu.


Friday, January 19, 2018

2018- New year New life

Assalamualaikum.  Hi  there!

Fuhhh... Last year I not blogging at all. I don't know what I'm doing last year. 😅😅😅

Hopefully this year will bring me here often. Will try to make time to update, to read others blogs.

Honestly last year was a very tough year to me. I'm sick for quite a long time. Until now still in recovery mode. May Allah ease everything. InsyaAllah ❤

Falling sick is opening my eyes. Make me realize how much I forget my Creator. I cried almost everyday because sometimes it hard to endure it. I know Allah is testing me. It hit me hard.

I'm not having incurable illness or things like that but it some sort of things that hard to explain 😅. Its okay. Now I'm feeling better. Alhamdulillah my mom ❤ always there for me. Call me up almost everyday asking if I ok. One of the reason I don't want she to know is she will be worried all the time 😢. That make me feel bad.

Please take care of yourself okay. Prevention is better than cure. Let spread the love ❤️. Be nice, be thankful.


Saturday, April 16, 2016


Salam and Greetings,

Me - breakfast is a must. Simple as biscuits, heavy as nasi lemak (Malaysia famous breakfast menu).

My favourite is half cook egg! Hahaha

This is what I normally eat at home before leaving for work. Very easy to make. Very fast to finish it. Just on time everyday.

Me - caffeine is a must. I know it not good for our body. But I can't help it. It already engaged to my routine. But I drink a lot of water too. And I walk in and out of toilet very frequent too. Hahaha

I can't work if I'm starving. I can't sleep with same reason too. Sometimes at 12 midnight I digging my kitchen for food. Hahaha. And end up 51kg last month. My usual weight is around 43-45kg. 46kg is the heaviest. But now new record was created. I love it actually. I'm aware that my daily routine is not healthy.

Sleep. Eat. Work. Drama. Eat. Sleep.

So, now every morning I start my day with a little bit stretching, exercise. Only the simple one that at least make my lazy sweat come out. And it actually work! So for now I want to keep it as a lifestyle. Until I found new activities. Hahaha. O yeaahhh. I get bored really quick tau.. I can't stick to one same plan. Hahah